chitravat sundar example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Each new volume of his abundant work resumed scrutiny of this varied and picturesque community where naive, often idle, let themselves be fooled by professional manipulators of all kinds 2. Finally, an important part of the room is devoted to tavern scenes, in which buckwheat kingdom where the action takes place is completely forgotten in favor of realistic and picturesque painting Arrageoise daily life 3. Gregory the Great gives the example in the fourth book of the Dialogues (early sixth century, it remains an Anglo-Norman twelfth century translation of the description of hell is always more accurate and picturesque than that of Paradise 4. He then raised the Quinta de la Zarzuela (1634-1637) and the Ayuntamiento (from 1640), significantly changed later by Teodoro Ardemans, who introduced the picturesque baroque towers and gates 5. Implicitly, treaties parks by Brown are also an illustration of Edmund Burke's theses on the Beautiful and the Sublime - William Gilpin and the picturesque

Given are the examples of hindi word chitravat sundar usage in english sentences. The examples of chitravat sundar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., picturesque.

On its way to the sea, the Narmada creates many picturesque locations.

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